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5 Stars: "Loved it. This look into Michael and James' past is fantastic..."



James is a Dom
Michael loves women.
The two friends work as a pair in the sex clubs, enjoying the life of ‘bachelors free’.
Enter Mia: pretty and submissive, with a fantasy she would like to fulfil.
Who will she ask?
A BDSM Ménage Short Story of Fantasy Fulfilled

99 Cents


5 Stars: “Loved it. This look into Michael and James’ past is fantastic and gives you a wonderful perspective into each personality. I cannot wait to see more in this series be it from the future or the past.” Mulan

5 Stars: “I love this glimpse of before Charlotte with James and Michael. The two men are already a well-oiled machine working together. I enjoyed how they were so in sync with each other and made their partner feel comfortable and safe.” Amy Ferber

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The Club.
The usual Friday night crowd.
A glass of red in my hand, propping up the bar, James and I wait on what the evening might have to offer. Not the public bar. That is the first point of entry from the outside world, and for the benefit of anyone who wanders in unawares, there’s a strict dress code: which is to say, clothes must be worn.
Here, the inner sanctum of the club, it’s a whatever-works-for-you dress code, and a caveat for the general public. Consenting Adults only. You have been warned.
James and I exchange small talk. The words mean nothing. They’re just filling the space. Between us, we scan the field, watching and waiting to see who’s here and what might develop.
Most of the regulars are in, plus a few faces I don’t recognise. Some are obvious newbies or gawpers. Others are perhaps trying out a new club, a fresh crowd.
A man I don’t know accompanies a willowy brunette with a mass of glossy chestnut curls. Undulating past, she wears a dress that clings skin-tight, displays most of what she has to offer and must have been spray-painted on. Passing by, she gives me an obvious once-over.
Looking to share?
But her guy looks neither right nor left, instead heading for the Jacuzzi room.
Plenty more fish in the sea…
My cock stirs in pleasant anticipation of the evening to come.
Does it get any better than this?
Another woman, with that unusual combo of honey-blonde hair – apparently genuine –  and cocoa-brown eyes, lounges against the other end of the bar, giving me the eye…
… Yes, it does…
She smiles brightly, cocking her head in question.
I eye-point sidelong, jerking a thumb toward James next to me, then hold up two fingers. Her brows rise and looking him over, she measures him with her gaze. My tall, sombre friend is so obviously a Dom, there’s never any doubt as to what he’ll deliver.
Honey-Blonde’s smile broadens and I’m about to give James a nudge in her direction when something else flags my attention.
A guy of maybe forty strolls the floor, gawping. He’s accompanied by a woman. That is to say, the girl hangs back behind him, her eyes darting in all directions. Superficially, she’s pretty enough, wearing a classic ‘little black dress’ over a trim, tidy figure. But her obvious disquiet destroys any appeal she might have.
Her man stares at a couple sauntering by. Clad in black latex, although not much of it, Penny is collared, handcuffed and leashed as Jordan, her Dom, leads her toward the cage by the dance floor. They’re both old-timers here. If Jordan’s putting his sub on display like that, he’ll probably be inviting passers-by to reach inside and make best use of her ‘facilities’. Penny gets off on that, big time, but doubtless, she’ll spend a frustratingly edged hour or two before Jordan allows her any relief.
Sure enough, he’s issuing instructions. With poorly concealed glee, Penny peels off the dress. She steps inside the cage and as he turns the key behind her, she’s wearing only the briefest of g-strings.
The stranger, gawking at the display, mouthes something to his girl, pointing to a matching cage across the room. She hunches and shakes her head, wrapping her arms around herself.
“She doesn’t want to be here,” I say.
James swivels. “Who?”
“Over there. Short. Blonde. Standing next to the guy in leathers. Look at her. She’s scared half to death.”
Chin lifting, his brow furrows. “Shouldn’t have brought her, should he.”
“No, he shouldn’t.”
She’s so clearly unhappy…
How can he not see it?
Or does he simply not give a shit?
…Instead, Leather-Boy wears a manic smile of the kind that says he thinks all his birthdays have come at once. Gripping the girl’s hand, he hauls her to the nearest niche.
The niche houses one of the orgy beds, where a dozen or so mixed men and women, some semi-clothed, some naked, are getting it together. The curtains are drawn back, providing an open view to anyone wanting to spectate. And the voyeurs on the outside are receiving the full benefit of the exhibitionists on the inside. That many bodies provide the options for pretty much any way two or more human bodies can interact. Most of them are there for the watching.
The man in leathers says something to the girl, nodding toward the writhing masses. But she doesn’t reply, retreating a step.
He speaks again, and again she shakes her head.
You see it sometimes, when one partner or the other wants to try the clubs and drags the other along. Even if they persuade or coerce the unwilling party into going through with it, it’s never a success. It can easily lead to relationship break-ups and has done so on several occasions. Sometimes actually in the Club.
His grin fades, replaced by a scowl. Colouring up, he barks something at her, snatching her hand as though to tow her along behind him. But she tugs free, snapping some reply. He snaps back then, with a look of disgust, marches toward the bed.
“I don’t like the way that’s developing,” I murmur, setting my wine down on the bar. “Think I’ll go explain a few of the realities to him…”
James gestures across the floor with his glass. “No need. He’s been spotted.”
Liam and Ash, two of the Club security guards, weave through the crowd. Liam taps him on the shoulder, forehead furrowed, muttering something. The man twists, mouthing back. Ash shrugs with an Oh, yes? gesture. The pair exchange glances then, without ceremony, each hooks an arm through Leather-Boy’s and they frog-march him toward the exit.
Snarling, he shouts back at the girl, jerking his head toward the exit. But face lifted, chin jutting, she doesn’t move. He yells something at her. I can’t pick out the words over the crowd and the music, but it’s clearly an instruction. Lips pressed to thin lines, she remains rooted to the spot.
The doors swing closed behind the guards and their ejectee. The woman hovers, chewing at her lip, blinking hard.
After a minute she wanders to the bar, close by. Theo gives her a soft smile. What’ll it be, Hun?”
“Um…” She stares at the countertop… “Gin and tonic please.”
He snags a glass, then reaches under the counter. “It’s on the house. We don’t like seeing that…” Snapping the top off the bottle, he tips the contents over a crackle of ice. “… It’s not how we do things here.”
She looks doubtful, casting around the room. “I was told it’s a sex club. That’s certainly what it looks like.”
Theo meets eyes with me. I shrug.
Tell it like it is…
He pauses, perhaps giving himself time to choose his words. He pours from the gin bottle, a generous measure, then drops in a slice of lemon. “It certainly is a sex club. And beyond doubt, if you want it, you’ll find it here, especially a good-looking girl like you. But…” He raises a forefinger… “…for the avoidance of doubt, it’s By Consent Only. No means No. That guy you came in with was breaking every rule in the book.”
He nods toward me. “Take these two. Michael’s one of our regulars. And that’s James with him. They’ve both been coming here for years. Everyone knows them. Ask any of the regular women here.” He flashes brows at the girl. “Either of them, or more likely, both of them together, will deliver anything you’re looking for, but only if they think you really want them to.”
The scepticism grows. “Together?” She flicks a glance at me and James. “Yeah?”
Theo slides her drink across the bar. “You saw us throw him out, didn’t you. Your boyfriend.”
Her face falls. “Yeah…”
His head tilts. “Look, why don’t I call you a taxi? We can all see you don’t want to be here. Like I said, the drink’s on the house. Go home and make it up with the boyfriend.”
She sips at her glass, nodding miserably. “Thanks.” Theo reaches for the bartop phone, tapping out a number he knew off pat years ago.
A voice ripples over us. “Hi, Michael. Hi, James.” It’s sultry and soft and we both know it well. As one, we turn to face its owner.
Chloe has been coming to the club longer than I have. A dusky South-American type with large expressive eyes and a taste for exhibitionism, if she’s available, she’s always good for some entertaining, no-complications fun.
“Chloe. Lovely to see you.” I kiss her cheek.
Teeth glinting white, she glances between us. “You guys hooked up for the evening yet?”
“No. We don’t, so far, have any plans.” James speaks with those deep velvet tones which do half his work for him. Even if he weren’t an obvious Dom, when he speaks to them, women develop an urge to drop to their knees. “Can I get you a drink?”
“I’ll have a glass of whatever that is you’re drinking.”
He raises a finger. “Theo, a Rioja for Chloe, please.”
She flashes brows, eyes full of mischief and promise, then her gaze slides past us, her expression morphing to surprise. “Mia? I didn’t know you come here. You kept that quiet.”
‘Mia’ flushes. “Jay dragged me here. After you let on what you do in your spare time, nothing would make him happy except seeing for himself. He…” She halts, gulps at her drink… “He tried to make me…”
Chloe sparks lightning bolts. “Tried to make you… what?”
Mia makes a rough gesture in the direction of the orgy bed, then buries her face in her drink.
“You didn’t want to come? And he bullied you here? Then tried to make you do something you didn’t want to?”
Mia wavers. “Well, I’ll admit, I was interested to see what happens. After what you’d told us. And I’d told him that I…” She falters… “But we were barely through the door and he was at me to…” She colours up completely, her voice cracking, then falls silent.
After a moment she perks up again. “So, um… Chloe, you know these two… er… gentlemen? Michael was it? And James?”
Chloe chuckles, hooking her arm through mine. “Oh, yes. Michael and I are old friends. We’ve had a lot of fun together over the years…” She flashes brows… “Even more so when he and James hooked up as a pair. And yes, both of them are gentlemen, in the best possible way.”
Mia sips at her drink, clearly digesting that. “So, how do…?”
Theo interrupts. “Your taxi’s here, Miss.”
“Oh, right.” She looks disappointed. Hesitates. “I’ll say good night then.” She knocks back the last of her drink. “Nice to see you, Chloe. Nice to meet you, guys.”
I tip my glass to her. “A pleasure, Mia. Enjoy the rest of your evening, whatever you decide to do with it.”
Theo calls out. “Liam. Ash. Accompany this lady safely to her taxi, would you.”
Liam gestures toward the exit. “After you, Miss.”
We watch the three exit, then Chloe sparks up. “So, what’s a girl gotta do to get her ass kicked around here?”
I set my glass down on the counter. James’ goes down next to it. She twists her neck back to him. “And if you don’t mind, I’d like to be able to sit down again sometime in the next week.”
He sucks away a smile. “You know the rules, Chloe. I’ll stop if you safeword…”
She sighs. “And I never do.”
He offers out a hand, gesturing toward the dungeons. “After you?”

Buy me a coffee?Buy me a coffee?